Sunday, May 6, 2012

APs are approaching...

For all the high schoolers out there that will be taking their AP tests this week and next week, you are not alone! We are both gearing up for a pretty hectic week of testing. APs are lengthy, written cryptically, and kind of suck in general. Despite that, think of it this way: the pressure is off. Remember that no one has to see these grades unless you want them to. 

Sooo for those of you doing some last minute studying, here are some helpful tips from two AP test taking veterans. And even if you're not taking APs this week, these study tips should help you to study for any test! 

  • Grab all of your notes, books, and other learning materials and run to a comfortable environment that is conducive to learning in a way that suits you best. I (A) tend to lock myself in my room for hours on end when I study. Depending on the topic, I enjoy listening to music on pandora. Take note of our 'study music' station suggestions from our #thingswelove post
  • Take a deep breath. Clear your head. Take a minute to check this out. You're welcome. 
  • Organize your notes by unit and group them by topic. It helps to focus on one topic at a time at first. This way, if you're confused or unsure of something, you know exactly what unit you're struggling with. Color coding with a highlighter always works wonders (hint, hint). 
  • Practice, practice, practice. Practice really does make perfect. Your best bet is to re-take old tests or search for old AP questions to practice from. Spark Notes AP Test Center, anyone?
  • Use your review book too!! And if you don't have one, you should run to your local bookstore and get one. 
  • Make a study schedule. Schedule 2 hours of studying and then a 30 minute break. Don't overwork yourself, but stick to your schedule. 
  • Use rewards as motivation to study. Whatever the reward may be...whether its a mani/pedi, a trashy tv break (Real Housewives, Girls, Sex and the City...the list could go on and on...), chocolate- give yourself something to work towards!
  • Get plenty of sleep. Eat a hearty breakfast (remember your brain foods...aka eggs). Don't freak out. 


1 comment:

  1. Good luck girls! I definitely don't miss those days- I'm watching my two younger brothers go through it and I remember exactly how stressed I was! Thinking of y'all!
