Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day Three: Eat More Healthily

Healthy eating is another popular resolution, but it's not always the easiest. It can be tempting to grab a bag of Skittles over an apple or orange. Here are some easy and fun ways to eat more healthily!

  • Write everything down (even those 5 pretzels you grabbed out of the pantry-it ALL adds up)! We really end up eating more than we think we do. Use a cute notebook to record your food intake and exercise regimen! If you prefer using technology, there are also many websites that can serve the same purpose. Lose It is a popular website and app that many have found really effective.
  • Drink TONS of water. Water keeps you hydrated and is a much healthier alternative to soda and juices. The easiest way to drink more water is to carry it with you at all times. Invest in a cute water bottle, like a Camelbak or a Tervis tumbler (Did we mention that they're also eco friendly?!). Drinking water doesn't have to be boring either. Try making your own flavored water by squeezing lemons or limes into your water for some tastiness. We love these Jonathan Adler water bottles!

  • Try to eat out less. If you do choose to go out, choose your meal wisely! If you want to indulge, split it with a friend or only eat a small portion of the dish. If you really enjoy it and want to save some for later, don't be embarrassed to bring it home. That's what doggy bags are for! Beware: Some dishes that you may think are a healthy option can actually have more calories and fat than expected. Great sources of healthy eating inspiration are the 'Eat This, Not That' books. 
  • Carry healthy (and yummy) snacks with you. As easy as it is to reach for a bag of Lays to snack on in between classes, there are much healthier (and just as easy) options. Granola Bars and Luna Bars are great because they are non-perishable and can be left in your backpack, purse, or car at all times. If you have time, prepare a small bag of your favorite fruits and/or vegetables to put in your bag in the morning before you leave for the day. 
  • Get smaller plates. As our moms always tell us, everything in moderation! Portion control is SO important. Try to trick yourself into thinking you're eating more than you actually are by buying printed and/or colorful small plates. They can be so cute and fun; did we mention they're also a great excuse to go shopping?!

Is this one of your goals for 2012? Let us know what you're going to do stay healthier in the new year!


  1. This is definitely the toughest of my resolutions! I love drinking water, but I want to try Lose It!

  2. Definitely the toughest for me too! Let us know how your experience using Lose It goes! We'd love an update :)

